
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
bh50: our top 50 learnings and Sharing is Caring
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Welcome to episode fifty! Wow. That's quite a lot of episodes. If you've made it this far - well done and thank you! This edition is quite the special one. But, before we tell you what's in it, there's a quick update on our home lives.
Unfortunately Mrs H's father suffered a stroke just after we had recorded this episode. At the time of publishing we're still in and out of hospital and are not sure what the future holds. With this in mind, we haven't spent as much time on this episode as we'd have liked - having edited much of it in waiting rooms and on the hoof. Still - getting it out there has given us a slice of normal - so we felt it important to publish as it.
We want to offer a huge thank you to our lifestyle friends who have been nothing short of incredible with their support and love. You folks are amazing.
As for the content? Well there's our top fifty things we've learned (cut reasonably down to five each), Mrs H reading a naughty story and a lovely little interview with some special guests; Kiwi and Cherie from the Sharing is Caring podcast. Thank you to both for taking the time to visit and for being on the show.
We hope you enjoy it and that it makes you smile as much as it did us when we were working on it. Thanks for hopping into our bed. Mr and Mrs H xxx

Sunday Jun 30, 2019
bh49: emotional reactions in Oz
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Thanks for taking a look at the bed hoppers podcast. Episode forty nine is a little bit reflective. We look back at our Australian adventure (it wasn't all super awesome amazing) and talk about how Mrs H had a bit of an emotional reaction on a couple of occasions. We talk about jealousy, tactile friends, drunken reactions, Mr H running off and starting a new life and much, much, more.
It's a tough discussion but we manage it with a few laughs and smiles too - well, it is us!
Thanks for hopping into our bed. Want more of us? Find us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk and on email at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
bh48: road head on the Oz adventure
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Thanks for taking a look (or should that be a listen) at episode 48. It's really part two of our Australian adventures - and features all sorts of delightful moments; from finger blasting to pizza eating.
Mr H continues to gush over our amazing friends, whilst Mrs H resumes the travel blog. Looking back at our earlier adventures we're so pleased to be able to share some good times - and demonstrate that things can go really well (or so we thought - stay tuned for the next episode).
Thank you to everyone who is mentioned in this episode - you're all legends!
And finally, thank you for hopping into our bed - don't forget to check us out at twitter (bedhoppersuk) and to email us on bedhoppersuk@gmail.com.

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
bh47: the big Swingapore and Oz trip
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Welcome to episode forty seven. This one is all about our trip to Swingapore and Oz. It's part one of what we think will be a two parter but don't let that put you off. We chat about our adventures, visiting friends, going to Our Secret Spot in Sydney, sexy times and much, much more. Mrs H shows us her scepticism and utter belief in random things and Mr H struggles through the pain of jet-lag.
Thank you for hopping into our bed. Find us at bedhoppersuk on Twitter and bedhoppersuk@gmail.com
Super special thanks to Swinging Down Under, By the Bi, Naughty and Exploring, Lolo Lady, OSS, the Gentleman, the A Slut podcast and anyone else we've clearly forgotten. You made our trip amazing (not a spoiler) and we hope to see you all again!

Sunday May 26, 2019
bh46: back to Vanilla Alternative (with Barney and Emma)
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Well hello there. Thanks for downloading episode forty six of the bed hoppers podcast. We've been in Oz and Singapore for the last few weeks - so are having trouble humaning (so, if this ep is a duffer, sorry). We reach back into our jet lagged heads and talk about Vanilla Alternative, review the club and recall a recent meet. We chat a bit about what to do if you finish before your partner too. There are some hints about our holibobs and mild spoilers about them (sorry). Special shout out to Barney and Emma.
Find out more about the club by heading here: https://www.thevanillaalternative.co.uk
Reach us at fabswingers.com (bed hoppers) and on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. You can email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com too!

Sunday May 05, 2019
bh45: Vanilla Ice and Lord Voldermort
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode forty five. In this saucy little number we hang out in a hotel (apparently quite nice) with our sexy chums Vanilla Ice and Lord Voldermort. They talk a bit about their journey, how they met us, the dark depths of Reddit and explore a little bit of religion. Look up hiscockhertail to find out more about them. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
bh44: SDU come and quack like a duck
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Welcome to episode 44! In this charming little number (well, actually our longest show ever) we talk about our visit from sexy chums Cate and Darrell from Swinging Down Under.
They meet Yoko, stay with us for a bit and then we all head to London for some magical adventures. We also have a special feature where we talk about the rumours Mrs H has been facing at work. The SDU gang join us via Skype - as we couldn't fit in any podcasting on the trip/were having too much fun.
Anywho - we hope you like it. Don't forget to look up 'quack like a duck' on youtube and to join us in Australia at the meet and greet (www.oursecretspot.com.au). Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Apr 07, 2019
bh43: our first MFM
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Thanks for downloading our show. This episode (forty three) is all about a visit from a special chum and our very first MFM. We talk about what went down (Mrs H) and how we felt. It's all part of our journey in the lifestyle.
We also ask for your views on work colleagues finding out about the lifestyle - so please get in touch at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com or bedhoppersuk on Twitter.
Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
bh42: the SBC house party
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Episode 42 - the one where we go to a mansion house party thing and Mrs H doesn't like napping but does like having a drink. Our lovely friends at SBC are the hosts with the most - and we meet a bunch of new people (who are not dickheads). We talk about what's coming up and just how busy things are over the next few weeks.
Get in touch at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com and bedhoppersuk on Twitter. Find us on fab as bed hoppers and send a pigeon to our regular address.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
bh41: 12 months of bed hopping times
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Well hello there! It's only episode 41 - the one where we've been podcasting for a whole year.
That's right it's our poderversary! With that in mind, we become a little self indulgent and talk about what we've loved over the last 12 months (no, not who we loved), some of the great stories (and worst ones), what's changed and perhaps a little bit about what might be coming up.
There's some nods and winks to people we've met (and if we forgot you, we're really sorry) and some time spent reflecting on the journey so far.
Want to get in touch - email us at bedhopperSUK@gmail.com or tweet on and around us at bedhopperSUK. Find us on fabswingers.com at bed hoppers

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
bh40: going down Townhouse
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
It's episode forty! In this rambling adventure we talk about our recent visit to the Townhouse club, near Liverpool. We walk you through the many floors and give thrilling details like how many loos there are. We also have a little bit of a pep talk about putting ourselves out there and not being such snooty snoots.
Get in touch with us on Twitter - bedhoppersuk, email - bedhoppersuk@gmail.com and on FabSwingers.com at bed hoppers. Please rate us on iTunes and send us some Pokemon Go friend requests (go on, you know you want to). Thanks for hopping in and around our bed.

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
bh39: Purple Mamba number five
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Well hello there episode thirty nine, you little minx. What's that you say? This one is all about our club review of purple mamba? It sure is! We took a little trip North just to check out the club - and talk about our experience. No spoilers but we liked it.
We also have a little feature on ghosting (since we got, well, ghosted). Try not to hum the Ghostbusters theme. We didn't.
If you want to find out about the club, you can head to https://www.purplemambaclub.com or tweet them at @PurpleMambaClub
Want to get in touch with us? Send us Owls at the usual address (under the stairs) or tweet us @bedhoppersuk or email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com
Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
bh38: great first meet expectations
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
It's only episode thirty eight. In this glorious edition we talk about a recent social meet with a new couple, explore what to expect from your first meet up and natter about a special feature that we haven't quite decided on. There's the return of just the tip and some interesting stories about towels too. Tweet us at bedhoppersuk and don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes. Go on. You know you want to! Thanks, also, for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
bh37: Bristol social and geeky sex toys
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
In this exciting episode we talk about the Bristol Social (what it was like, what worked, what didn't and so on) and about our road trip and palace suite there. We also review some lovely toys from Geekysextoys.com and announce the winner of our 'how many times did we have sex in 2018' competition.
Don't forget to review us on iTunes, get in touch with us on Twitter (bedhoppersuk) or to send us an email at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
bh36: we're not loving Angels instead
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Welcome to episode thirty six! This time we visit the Angels club in Melksham (that's not too far from Bristol) and talk a little about the date we had on the same night. We have a feature on the cost of the lifestyle - spoiler alert - it can be a bit costly! We talk about some of travel plans for this year too - hint; Mrs H wants to throw another shrimp on the barbie...
There's also a competition to win some of our awesome stickers. All you have to do is tell us how many times we had some sort of sexual encounter in 2018. Send us your guess by 18 January 2018 via email or Twitter (bedhoppersuk@gmail.com or bedhoppersuk). Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
bh35: Christmas times with Normalizing Non Monogamy
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
It's our special Christmas edition. Are you alone over the holidays? Well, we hope we (along with our good chums from Normalizing Non Monogamy) can keep you company. We catch up and talk about some of our funny experiences in the lifestyle (so there's some old stuff and some new stuff). Need some support? Email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com, reach Fin and Emma at https://www.normalizingnonmonogamy.com or find some more resources at www.blurtitout.org www.thecalmzone.net www.mhaustralia.org www.mind.org.uk www.samaritans.org www.samaritans.au www.samaritansusa.org www.verywellmind.com ...Wherever you are and whatever you do, we hope you have a great holiday or, at the very least, we've been able to help! Much love, Mr and Mrs H. PS - Thanks for hopping into our Santa sack!

Sunday Dec 23, 2018
bh34: last thoughts on Desire and Liberty Elite
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Welcome to episode thirty four. The first half is our summary of Desire - was it good value for money, how are our emotional states, and would we go back? The second half is all about a trip to Liberty Elite - a swinging club in the UK. We review the experience as we catch up with friends. Got some comments or feedback - you can catch us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Don't forget to leave a review on iTunes too! Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Dec 09, 2018
bh33: last few days of Desire
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode thirty three. In this charming little number we talk about Wednesday to Saturday of our Desire trip. There's some imagination applied to a hot tub situation, sexy photos, a return of the week that was and also some sexy times. Next week will be our Desire summary and a step towards normal service. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Friday Nov 30, 2018
bh32: the first four days of Desire
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
A bonus episode you say? About our first four days in Desire? Go on then - welcome to number 32. Following on from our crossover episode last week, we kick off with an update addressing some of things we've been reading about online relating to consent at Desire, we talk about arriving in Desire, how we fuck up a bit and how we also make some great connections. As ever our journey is super bumpy but this time there are some amazingly brill times too. Want to get in touch, hit us up on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
bh31: Desiring By the Bi
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
We're back, baby! Episode 31! This one is a special cross-over with our good (and sexy, handsome, pretty) chums at By the Bi podcast (Bradford might just be Mr H's brother from another mother). It was recorded half way through our stay at Desire and covers a host of things - from consent to compersion to well, you'll just have to wait and see. We give a run down on how we're feeling, who is stealing the champagne and who gets a pillow fort fall down on them. Don't forget to hook up with us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk or to get our gameoflifestyle discount with the BH10 code. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
bh30: getting set for Desire
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Episode thirty - this one is all about the week before we set sail for Mexico and a good status check on how we're feeling about the Desire trip. It's not been easy but we're pretty much ready to go (at last). Join us as we talk about our costumes, our crappy week in the wind up to Desire and what we're looking forward to. We also talk about our little break - so see you at the end of November! Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Oct 28, 2018
bh29: get us into bed hopper bingo
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Sunday Oct 28, 2018
Welcome to episode twenty nine! In this edition we go back to our journey and talk about two different couples we met following our time in the kink house. One is a long time investment and the other a curious experience. We also have a little fun with a special feature called 'get us in bed hopper bingo'. You can play along too and see if you can predict the tips to get us into bed. Although in hindsight, they aren't really tips - more things we like. Oh well, Mrs H doesn't always follow the rules! Catch us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
bh28: from gin tours to sex clubs
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Thanks for downloading us and getting episode twenty eight in and around your ears. This time we catch you up on our lovely weekend (gin tours, buses, sex clubs, shirtless wonders and sexy friends). We also have a special feature for anyone looking to visit the UK and get their swing on. We talk about moving to a fortnightly show and what bed hoppers might look like post Desire. Join in the conversation at bedhoppersuk on Twitter or email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
bh27: talking latex and BDSM with a lovely unicorn
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
It's the bed hoppers, episode twenty seven. In this exciting episode we talk about a recent house party (with doors) and interview a sexy unicorn about her experiences with us two, latex and BDSM. Mr H doesn't get to make a bear joke and is still sore about it even now. So, the usual fun and nonsense! Don't forget to check us out on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed! PS - this episode was uploaded in a pub, fact fans.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
bh26: hello to the Average Swingers
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers, episode twenty six. In this episode we have some special guests (well hello there, Average Swingers!), talk about a recent party and explore some of the fun and sexy things that went on. If the audio drops out with our skyping chums, don't worry it's just our technical abilities and not your ears. Hit us up on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed.

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
bh25: sexy party prep
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Thanks for downloading bed hoppers, episode twenty five. Well, assuming you have - you could just be reading this while browsing. In which case, go on, give us a shot. In this episode we talk about our sexy party prep, our journey (with a weekend away in an educational house) and also have some tips on rejection. Thanks for hopping into our bed and letting us whisper naughty nothings in your ears. Got a question? Get in touch on Twitter at bedhoppersuk or on email at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com.

Sunday Sep 23, 2018
bh24: Le Boudoir
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Thanks for downloading the bed hoppers podcast. This is episode twenty four - which is all about our recent club visit, Mrs H's potty mouth and a just the tip that's all about online communication. There's a new intro and a little bit of an out-take too. Get in touch at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com or twit us at bedhoppersuk. If you're in the UK - friend us on on FABSwingers.com. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
bh23: first messages and Mr H nearly quits
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Great Scott, Marty! It's only episode twenty three of the bed hoppers podcast. In this edition we talk about our adventures with one couple in particular and how Mr H nearly quit the lifestyle. Trying to work out what to say in your first message to a couple? We've got just the tip for that! And Mrs H hangs her head in shame after using the 'p' word... whatever happens, thanks for hopping into our bed! Find us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk or email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
bh22: all the wrong words
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Welcome to episode twenty two. This week we finally pick up our journey of old and talk about a couple who make texting tough and how the wrong words can certainly send you over the edge. We ketchup on a last minute cancellation and some plan Bs what done good. There's also a just the tip for users of fabswingers.com (and other sites too). Say hello to us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk or on email at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com. Thanks for hopping into our bed.

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
bh21: the second house party
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Episode twenty one and we're back, baby! After a two week podcation we're here to give you an update on our second house party, offer some tips about checking in pre-date and also review the atom from British sex toy makers hotoctopuss.com. It's our usual blend of songs, references and madness - oh and Mrs H finally does the chicken impression. Follow us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk or email us at bedhoppersuk@gmail.com. Thanks for hopping into our beds (again!).

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
bh20: yurty goodness and the kids find out
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Episode twenty - here at last. This one really is a game of two halves (think that's a sport reference but can't be sure). First part is all about our recent house party and the fun, sexy and odd times we had (yurt sex?!?). Second bit is all about when the kids found out. It gets a little bit serious. There's also a just the tip where Mrs H needs your help. Find us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk and email us bedhoppersuk@gmail.com. Like what you hear? Give us a review on iTunes - go on, you know you want to! Thanks for hopping into our beds.

Sunday Aug 05, 2018
bh19: pen pals with By the Bi
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Want the score on episode nineteen, eh? Well, this one sees the bed hoppers answer some pen pal questions from our good chums at By the Bi. There's some fun questions, interesting topics and really challenging ones like 'who is your favourite Batman?'. Just the tip returns after having a brief holiday (that's vacation to some listeners across the globe). We hope you enjoy this one as much as we enjoyed making it. Catch us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed! xx

Sunday Jul 29, 2018
b18: listener questions part two: the revenge
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode eighteen. This week sees us follow on from our last episode and answer listener questions from Twitter, email and Reddit. If you sent one our way - thank you very much! Watch out - there's some singing, tough topics and the usual bants. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher and some other places - and/or follow us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed, love Mr and Mrs H! xxx

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
bh17: the listener question show
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Thanks for taking a look at bed hoppers - episode seventeen. We're Mr and Mrs H! This week we asked listeners to submit their questions and boy did you folks come through. We didn't get chance to answer them all in this edition - but there will definitely be a part two. We talk about everything from condoms, racial play, what worries us most to the future of swinging in the UK. There's some laughs, honesty and us tackling tricksy questions precious. Got more questions? Head to Twitter at bedhoppersuk (and come back next week too). Thanks for hopping into our moist sli... we mean beds. x

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
bh16: sexy fun in a hotel
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Welcome to episode sixteen. In this edition we talk about our first naughty hotel meet, a spooky encounter and safety in the lifestyle. Mrs H uses the 'p' word (twice) and Mr H throws some amazing impressions out there (well it's me writing this, so I would say that). We hope you have fun listening. Let us know your safety tips by getting in touch on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed (or on our sofa or whatever we decided in the end). xxx

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
bh15: the week of five meets
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode fifteen. Back to our journey this week - and the week of five meets (we might cheat slightly on that, but it does sound good, right?). We talk about our tips on getting through a dry spell and talk a little bit about playstyle. There maybe a slight doggo based moment too. Hope you enjoy - despite us moaning our way through the weather. See us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thank you for hopping into our (very hot and uncomfotable) bed. xxx

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
bh14: Vanilla Alternative altercation
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
This is bed hoppers - episode 14. In this edition we talk about our recent club visit to the Vanilla Alternative, have some difficult conversations (with Mrs H experiencing unexpected uncovered action), share our tips and follow up on our single guy thoughts. We'd love your feedback, thoughts or comments - so join us on Twitter (bedhoppersuk), email (we still can't remember but it's mentioned in the show, honest), Fab Swingers (the UK site) or leave us a review on iTunes. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
bh13: dressing up for torture garden
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Episode thirteen of bed hoppers - you're welcome. In this lucky (or unlucky) chat we talk about our journey (including a visit to torture garden, with man-makeup), have some top tips about messages and being brave and have a bonus topic on thinking about single guys. We hope you like it - do drop us a line on twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
bh12: full swap download and Mrs H hates
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode twelve. Last week we spoke about our first full swap - this time around we talk about how it made us feel and how we coped. We discover that Mrs H likes neither pussy, dick or a long stay in pound town. Mr H tries not to talk over her so much, with varying degrees of success. If it sounds like we might still be eating and drinking it might be becasue we were nomming down some choccies and some lovely wine. Enjoy - and thanks for hopping into our beds!

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
bh11: chatting with a single guy
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers episode 11. We're back after a two week break! Lots has happened (or not as the case may be) since our last episode. In this one we talk about our first full swap, there's an interview with a single guy that's part of a 'friends with benefits couple' (not the words Mr H uses), managing that 'oh' feeling and more. This one is a long one but Mrs H has said that before! Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday May 20, 2018
bh10: misters' sister
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode ten. In this amusing edition we see the return of our first couple (and a swift exit after some sexy dance moves), an interview with Mr H's sister (keep it in the family) and Mr H takes a visit to the clinic. We'll now be taking a couple weeks off - but will be back real soon, promise. In the meantime, find us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed! x

Sunday May 13, 2018
bh9: return of special brew
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers episode nine! In this sexy edition we talk about our journey (and the return of our worst meet evs), a bit about what's good about the lifestyle, just the tip and more. There's singing, jokes, laughter, a little sexiness and maybe, just maybe, some useful information. Get in touch with us on twitter at bedhoppersuk - go on, you know you want to! Thanks for hopping into our bed and all that...

Sunday May 06, 2018
bh8: chundermuff
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
bed hoppers - episode eight. Following a night out at a lifestyle club, Mr H has a confession to make. We also cover more of our journey (our first couples hook up) and talk a little about body issues and confidence. Of course we offer some top tips too - with our just the tips segment. Don't forget, you can find us on Twitter at bedhoppersuk. This episode also has some naughty language - sorry! Thanks for hopping into our bed.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
bh7: special brew
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
bed hoppers episode seven! BOOM! Here it is. Once more it's an update from our journey in the swinging lifestyle - this time our worst meet. The one that nearly put us off. We talk a bit about where we went wrong (pretty much everywhere), communication, a toy review and our just the tip section. Despite still recovering from some bloomin' awful colds, we dive right in to some juicy topics (we know, we know - we're heroes). Don't forget - if you want to get in touch you can find us on twitter at bedhoppersuk - don't be shy, you lovely sexy people!

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
bh6: thunder-chat ho!
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers - episode six. In this sexy edition we interview a couple new to the lifestyle (while it thunders, pours down and the dog goes crazy), we talk about limits, offer some swinger tips (we said tips - get your mind out of the gutter, please) and have a swinger SOS where Mrs H needs your help. From made up apps to kakaws - we hope you enjoy it. Follow us and get in touch on twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Saturday Apr 14, 2018
bh5: the first club visit
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers, episode five. This is our journey into the swinging lifestyle. In this episode we talk about jealousy (a first for Mrs H), our first visit to a swing club, a toy review and an update on Mr H's beard. This one is a little raw, honest, open and just a little bit fexy (funny + sexy). Find us on twitter at bedhoppersuk! PS - this one has some swear words - sorry!

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
bh4: jealousy and our journey
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
bed hoppers episode four? Who'd have thought it? In this edition Mr and Mrs H are feeling a little rough after a sexy night out (and not following thier own tips). We talk about our journey, jealousy, a toy review (well sort of) and our just the tip section. Listen in for our lifestyle podcast and for these two whittering on. We're on twitter at bedhoppersuk. Thanks for hopping into our bed!

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
bh3: first swaps and beard loss
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers, episode three - all about our adventures in the lifestyle. In this thrilling edition we talk about the tragic loss of Mr H's beard, finger-blasting, soft and full swap and more about our journey. Hope you like it - find us on twitter at bedhoppersuk. Mr and Mrs H xxx

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
bh2: lingo and our journey
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Welcome to bed hoppers episode two. We're in our early forties (one of us earlier than the other) having fun and adventures in the swinging lifestyle. In this edition we cover more of our journey and talk about some of the lingo that new people might encounter. Mrs H tries to talk about her favourite topic but has to save it for another episode. We're on twitter now too (how frightfully modern) - look us up at bedhoppersUK!

Monday Mar 19, 2018
bh1: let's start at the beginning
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
We are Mr and Mrs H. We're a married couple in their 40s (only just, mind) and having fun and adventures in the swinging lifestyle. We've had plenty of ups, some downs and even more ups and downs. We're relatively new but we'd like to share our experiences, what we've learned and have a good ole natter about what we've been up to.
Each week, we talk about our journey, our top tips and tackle a question or two.